Efficiently distribute tips among team members with ease.

What is a Team Account?

A Team Account helps businesses manage and distribute tips among their staff efficiently. It automates the tip-sharing process, ensures fair distribution, and simplifies team management, making it perfect for restaurants, cafes, and service teams.

One QR code.

Use a single QR code for the entire team, making it easy for customers to tip. Place the QR code anywhere – on receipts, menus, table tents, or any other convenient location.

Team management.

Create your team and invite members. You can assign them to different groups, such as waitstaff, bartenders, chefs, etc., and specify individual percentages for each group.

Automated Tip splitting.

Tips received through the team QR code are automatically distributed to the personal accounts of each team member based on predefined percentages.

Overview & Statistics.

Access detailed reports and real-time statistics to monitor team earnings and performance.

Automated Tip Payout.

All tips earned from the previous day are automatically transferred to each team member's bank account.

BOOST earnings Solo or as a Team

Place your QR code anywhere (tuker card, stickers, table tent, link)
Open an account
